Register AVS

Register Blockless Worker as an AVS node.


  • Docker v24 and above
  • EigenLayer CLI

This guide is broken down into two parts.

  1. Setting up an EigenLayer Operator
  2. Opt In / Opt Out the Operator for Blockless AVS

You may skip part 1 if you already have an Operator registered with EigenLayer Holskey.

Setting up an EigenLayer Operator

echo "password" | eigenlayer operator keys create --key-type ecdsa [keyname]
echo "password" | eigenlayer operator keys create --key-type bls [keyname]

Please ensure you backup your private keys to a safe location. By default, the encrypted keys will be stored in ~/.eigenlayer/operator_keys/

Fund at least 0.3 ETH to the ECDSA address generated. It will be required for node registration in the later steps. Obtain Holskey Funds (opens in a new tab)

Register on EigenLayer as an operator

Create the configuration files needed for operator registration using the following commands. When completed, operator.yaml and metadata.json will be created.

eigenlayer operator config create

Edit the metadata.json, with the details of your new operator, this can be hosted on (opens in a new tab), make sure to set as a public gist. Then get the RAW url.${USER}/${HASH}/metadata.json (opens in a new tab)

  "name": "Example Operator",
  "website": "<>",
  "description": "Example description",
  "logo": "<>",
  "twitter": "<>"

Upload metadata.json to a public URL. Then update the operator.yaml attribute metadata_url with the url to metadata.json.

Execute the following command, to register the operator.

eigenlayer operator register operator.yaml

If the previous command was successful the following output should be seen in the terminal

 Operator is registered successfully to EigenLayer

To update this metadata in the future you can run

eigenlayer operator update operator.yaml

After your operator has been registered, it will be reflected on the EigenLayer operator page. Testnet: (opens in a new tab)

The status of an operator can be checked using

eigenlayer operator status operator.yaml

Opt In / Opt Out the Operator for Blockless AVS

Create the Environment File blockless-operator.env for Docker. This allows seamless passing of options for Opt-In and Opt-Out.

# modify these for your keys and operator

# can leave

Create the operator configuration file operator.config.yaml, this will be used in the registration step, and later by the AVS

production: false
# change this to your operator address
operator_address: 0x8FE5235d4c6A6c0a47FaE67E58034390a772a1da
# below can be left
avs_registry_coordinator_address: 0x2513c8b9c7c021A73F34f18DccFDA15d462d7cD7 # registryCoordinator
operator_state_retriever_address: 0x055733000064333CaDDbC92763c58BF0192fFeBf # operatorStateRetriever
eth_ws_url: wss://
ecdsa_private_key_store_path: /app/operator_keys/opr.ecdsa.key.json
bls_private_key_store_path: /app/operator_keys/opr.bls.key.json
aggregator_server_ip_port_address: localhost:8090
eigen_metrics_ip_port_address: localhost:9090
enable_metrics: true
node_api_ip_port_address: localhost:9010
enable_node_api: true
register_operator_on_startup: false
token_strategy_addr: 0x80528D6e9A2BAbFc766965E0E26d5aB08D9CFaF9
avs_service_manager_addr: 0xFb309198FEf7Ea7BC1c1d10c0E7A37A0549EECc1 # BlocklessAVSServiceManager

Opt-In to the Blockless AVS by running the following command, assuming Docker is available.

  docker run --env-file /path/to/blockless-operator.env \
  --rm \
  --volume "/path/to/opr.ecdsa.key.json":/app/operator_keys/opr.ecdsa.key.json \
  --volume "/path/to/opr.bls.key.json":/app/operator_keys/opr.bls.key.json \
  --volume "/path/to/operator.config.yaml":/app/operator.config.yaml \ \
  --config /app/operator.config.yaml \

Opt-Out of the Blockless AVS By Running the following command, assuming Docker is available.

  docker run --env-file /path/to/blockless-operator.env \
  --rm \
  --volume "/path/to/opr.ecdsa.key.json":/app/operator_keys/opr.ecdsa.key.json \
  --volume "/path/to/opr.bls.key.json":/app/operator_keys/opr.bls.key.json \
  --volume "/path/to/operator.config.yaml":/app/operator.config.yaml \ \
  --config /app/operator.config.yaml \
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