Tutorials Overview

Explore the Blockless Function and Static Site tutorials and get started on a sample project.

Start a New Project with the Blockless CLI

First you will need to install the The Blockless Command Line Interface (CLI). This tool allows you to interact with the Blockless Network and manage your applications from the command line.

Install the Blockless CLI

To install the Blockless CLI, you can either use curl or wget.

Installing Blockless CLI with curl:

sudo sh -c "curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BlocklessNetwork/cli/main/download.sh | bash"

Installing Blockless CLI with wget:

sudo sh -c "wget <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BlocklessNetwork/cli/main/download.sh> -v -O download.sh; chmod +x download.sh; ./download.sh; rm -rf download.sh"

To install on Windows, go to the releases page (opens in a new tab) on GitHub and download the x86 version of the Blockless CLI.

Get Familiar with Blockless CLI Commands

To see a list of available commands, you can run the bls or bls help command:

bls help

Login into the Blockless Network

bls login

You will be prompted to navigate to your localhost and connect your wallet.

Open Browser at to complete login
-OR- Open Browser at to complete login

This will redirect you to the https://dashboard.blockless.network (opens in a new tab) page where you can connect your preferred wallet.

login page

login page

login page

You should see and verification message in your console.

Authentication Completed!
You have successfully authenticated with the server.

You can always check if you are logged in with the following command:

bls whoami

login verification

Proceed to the next tutorial to get started.

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