Passing Data to Other Functions

Passing Data to Other Functions

If you need to pass your execution results to another function, you should return those results to stdout. This interface currently has a 1Mib limit. If your returned results is larger than the 1024Kib, only the first 1024Kib will be transported over the P2P network. If this causes the message payload to be incomplete, the message may not be understood by the Network and may result in errors in your function workflow.

Here's an example of returning a results object, with the value of 1000:

import 'wasi'
import { Console } from 'as-wasi/assembly'
import { json } from '@blockless/sdk'
// create a new jsonEncoderlet jsonEncoder = new json.JSONEncoder();
// pop an object onto the stack
// set a string value for the object
jsonEncoder.setString('results', '1000')
// close the object
// send the results to stdout
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