

bls self-update [flag]

Automatically fetches and updates the CLI. The CLI will update to the latest release by default if you haven’t specified the version tag.

Basic usage:

$ bls self-update
$ Installing bls latest.....
$ ############################################################################################## 100.0%
$ Installed bls latest at /usr/local/bin/bls

Flag: -t or --tag: updates the CLI to a specific release version using its release tag (version number). You can access all of the available releases and their tags via the releases page (opens in a new tab) on GitHub. For example:

$ bls self-update -t v0.0.37
$ Password:$ Installing bls v0.0.37.....
$ ############################################################################################## 100.0%
$ Installed bls v0.0.37 at /usr/local/bin/bls
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